Sitemap - 2013 - Cyn's Shadowland

I have been writing hard--ly

Nanowrimo First Day

Electrical pulses

The dark night

As the cold air from the North

Ravens work and play

Golden Pumpkin

Her name is Misery

Thundering at Daybreak

Night Serenade by crickets

Bermuda Triangle

Dark room

The Assignment

At the Restaurant

A River in Egypt

Up in Smoke - Yosemite Rim Fire

Warning signs

Sometimes you have to be selfish

Where I go to dream

Viking blood

Marked for death

Watermelon Summer

Beneath my sky


Mayhem at the Mule Valley Well

More Poems

The Ugly Smell

Poem Challenge Day 2

Let it rain

Wild Daffodil - a haiku

The Daily News

Morning in Nevada 6/24/2013 - a haiku

Snow - a haiku

Anger - a sonnet

The Public Mask

Wildebeests - a haiku

The Yew Tree - a haiku

Street Theater

In the Redwoods - a tanka

When the Cat's Away

Family picnic - corn on the cob

To my husband

Mud slides

Last Night's Thunderstorm - a haiku

Pressed Flowers

Desert summer

Concrete ants

Every Woman's Dream

End of day - a lullaby

Sunset in Eagle Valley, Nevada - a haiku

Angry voices - a sonnet


Mountain Stream - a tanka

A yellow-eyed cat - a pantoum

Sierra Mountains - a haiku

In the ICU

Writing life

A Bard - a pantoum

The Blood of Heroes Never Dies

I believe in God - a poem

The Answer - a sestina

Thoughts on writing

Dandelions - a tanka


Childhood lesson - a villanelle

Night terrors

Peanuts and Memory

Claiming territory

A Small Victory after Chemo

Technology glitch

Some days

Sunrise Sonnet

My daily walk

Sunshine - a haiku

Siren's Call

Eye Glasses


Another spring storm

A Spring Day

Childhood play - a haiku

Taste of Ambrosia

The Next Big Thing - Mari Collier

Tea Ceremony

Death Comes

Angelic Crocodile

I'm baaaaaack

A glimpse of the past

The black horse

To Tequila - a little chihuahua

The Next Big Thing

The call

This generation

Lifetime of patterns

Soft Spring Rain

Free Fiction Monday - Under his spell

Writing Perchance to Dream today

Free Fiction Monday-- Operation Adam and Eve

Free Fiction Monday-- Writing the End

A Book of Ghosts

Free Poetry Monday - Young Lovers