The dog is sleeping
Tomorrow is another day
A wander through my mind
Here comes the sun
The Eye of the Hurricane
A time for headaches
Talk Like a Pirate Day
A day, a day, and another day
Something about Quantum Mechanics
It's been a month
Becoming American - Kate Paulk
A candle for health
So another holiday (remember to smile)
Heel, toe
Writing and Ritual
Tick tock - Tick tock
Day after Summer Solstice and Strawberry Moon
Between the health issues
A Writer in the House
Confession time
So I haven't had the energy
So where is Surely?
Spring is early here
Life and the usual foibles
The Quickening
If he were still here
Sore throats and fevers
Free on Amazon
Unexpected Surprises
Steady as She Goes
I've been writing, and thinking, and writing
Feeding the Well of Dreams
Dragon Boy excerpt
Foxy is hungry and complaining