I’ve been dealing with a lot of aftermath of the kidney transplant which has included to low of an immune system which couldn’t fight off two viruses. I am having more energy because my body with the help of an anti-virus has finally gotten a handle on them.
But on of the aftermaths was an ulcer/tumor on the tongue. It was bad enough that I had to go soft foods for the last two months. It hurt to talk, and it really hurt to eat. Plus it got to the point that I was eating a lacto-ova-vegetarian diet because nothing tasted good.
So after finally getting an ENT and seeing her last week, she prescribed a mouth wash that helped fight the infection. In the afternoon I’ll be at a small surgery center to get a biopsy and maybe an excision of the ulcer/tumor.
Wish me luck.
More Prayers!
Cyn, will be praying. I'm so sorry you are going through so much!. Please let me know if there is anything I can do. Hugs, Mary