The last few weeks I’ve been exhausted and after doing a few household chores, I need a nap. If anyone had told me in my twenties that I would become my grandparents, I wouldn’t have believed them.
My grandmother would sweep her floors and dusted before she took her nap. Then in the afternoon she would watch her TV shows. If I remember right, she would watch Kojak, Chips, or some other afternoon TV crime drama. When we visted my grandparents, we were not allowed to watch TV with her. We would go down into the basement and read stories or play board games.
My grandfather had a desk in that same basement. Sometimes he would spend hours writing. I do get my writing from him. He used to write poetry and I used to edit it. He would also take an afternoon nap while my grandmother watched her shows.
I found her guilty pleasures when I was in my teens. She had a wardrobe that was filled with Harlequin romances. Hell yes, I read them.
As my grandparents grew older, they needed more help from their children. But for many years until they reached their 80s, they did the same things every day. Once a week, my grandmother would take a bus and shop for groceries. My grandfather gave her a household stipend. He would drag the lawn mower over the grass a few days a week.
As for me when I am this exhausted, I can’t write. I can’t even edit my old poems and short stories for other’s consumption. TV shows don’t hold my attention. My house becomes littered with paper and crafts. I have to remember to load the dishwasher.
So when I am this tired, I read a little and cuddle with my dog, who is getting older too. We sleep and dream.
So yes, I am still alive. Yes, I am here.
Love you Cyn
Hoping to see you tonight, take care