I saw my PA at the doctor’s office this afternoon and she told me what the PET scan said. The cancer is still localized and hasn’t spread. I do have a slight infection in the lymph node near my ear where the ulcer (cancer) drained before it was excised.
The day after Christmas I will be talking about a treatment plan, which will still be radiation, but may not have to do chemo.
The big news is that my thyroid, transplanted kidney, and lymph nodes look good.
The only thing I need to work on besides my pill situation is walk everyday, and gain a few pounds so I have some leeway because the radiation will burn my mouth and throat.
I am so relieved right now.
I'm so happy to hear this Cynthia! I'll continue praying! My kidney function has been decreasing all year until the nineth of December it hit E-fgr of 35. Today my new lab results showed an increase of E-fgr of 64! And all other labs normal range! The nephrologist is thrilled as am I. I'm an old dialysis nurse so knew where this was headed. So a blessing from God for us both. I'm praying for your healing as well! Merry Christmas
Fantastic! What a Christmas Miracle!