This will be a very brief post for those who have been following my transplant journey. Recently I’ve been so fatigued that I haven’t been able to do anything creative. I have all of these ideas and I can’t get out of bed or out of my stuffed chair. My brain can only follow the established routines I set when I started this journey.
It includes the following:
Taking pills on a schedule and make sure I have an alarm set for them. This happens 3x a day.
Eating food on a schedule. Even food doesn’t taste good to me right now.
Go to my doctor’s appointments.
These things that shouldn’t even be a blip on my daily life take time and energy. A shower means that I have to lie down afterwards.
So I told my UMC Transplant doctors that I wasn’t just tired, but that I was fatigued and exhausted. I was taking two to three naps in a day and I couldn’t wake up. My doctor looked at the lab and was surprised to see that my WBC and RBC (white and red blood cells) were very low. They took me off Valcyte, which was being used to suppress and hopefully elimanate one of my viruses. The other virus was having a hayday.
Then they asked me to take Zarxio which helps the WBC rise. So all of my joints hurt and my brain was gone for awhile. Also they had me get an appointment with a hemotologist, which the closest date to see him is August 31.
I will see my Transplant doctors on Monday for labs again.
So that is the saga of my 8th month into my kidney transplant journey. Send me luck, please.
Always wishing you well
Wishing you all the luck and praying that it all gets resolved at the earliest. 🙏🙏🙏