Some days I go about my business of healing and then some days I’m reminded that my dog is gone. Yesterday was one of those. I had my car serviced and I worked on my organization list. I’m trying to get through a lot of boxes and throw stuff away, give it away, or keep it.
I had a lot of things that my survival brain thought I needed. I don’t need it now.
Then I lost my watch. Somewhere in my cleaning and walks I lost it. I tore my apartment apart and walked the halls twice as long as I should looking for it. In the process of worrying about losing such a vital part of my health— I use it to record my steps and alarms for my wake-time and pills—I was asked about Foxy.
My heart shattered again. The lost phone began to represent my lost companion.
I eventually found my watch. It had dropped into a computer case when I was cleaning out the pens and post-it stickers inside. A find by the way that I could use.
But the aftermath this morning was a ripped apart apartment that I had so carefully organized the last few weeks and a stiff body that didn’t want to walk this morning. I did anyway.
I’ve been feeling time glitch lately. So I went to look to see if that was possible. In a purely spiritual sense it can, but what does science say.
I’ve been hearing lately of the Heart-Math Insitute. They research the heart. In my early science classes, we were told that the heart was like a mechanical pump that oxyengenated blood and sending it through the body.
Not so, did you know that our concept of time is because of our heartbeats? That our emotions are encoaded in the EMF field around our body that is generated by the heart? You can read what they have to say in “The Energetic Heart.”
It is not so hard to believe now why the Egyptians believed that the heart was the most important organ in the body—more important than the executive functions of the brain.
So each time my heart shatters, I will pick up the pieces and comfort my heart.
Yes, that happens to me too.
Am I going down a road that is not meant for me or have been there before knowing the out come was to go another road?
The road not taken I guess.
Cyn, you know you could have a very nice little Zine book with your doodles and writings?
would you like me to do some lay outs for you ??
I’m defiantly going to read that~🥺 That kind of stuff happens to me DAILY😔Sorry you went through that but Thank You for sharing😊🦋 🌻💞