I have seen two total eclipses in my lifetime, one in Utah and one in Germany, and a couple of partial eclipses. The eclipse in October (annular eclipse) found me in the hospital, recovering from a kidney transplant. My solar glasses weren’t with me so I watched the shadows outside the window. It was an unimpressive view of UMC hospital rooftops, but I didn’t care because I was so grateful.
I don’t believe in coincidences, but I do believe in synchronicities. For instance, I had no clue that I would be getting a new kidney on October 12th, but I kept doing my best to get on and stay on the kidney transplant list. So I was prepared when it fell into my lap.
So I find it interesting that my first six months of kidney care is sandwiched between two solar eclipses—a good sign.
I’ve been seeing a bunch of scary predictions of the “end of the world” online. So many people seem to be afraid of this. My experience is we deal with endings all of the time. But after every end, there is another beginning.
My catastrophes have been more personal and less collective. I still mourn a few of my endings like the death of my late husband and the recent death of my dog. It takes me a few months or even a few years to remember that the end is never final.
So enjoy the Solar Eclipse. It is a herald to a new and fresher world. A new beginning.
Wow, I'm so glad you're recovering! There's always light within darkness, the yin-yang concept is in everything. We're lucky to breathe, however hard it may get ...