Explosions and Fireworks
The first fireworks I remember was sitting in a stadium with my parents and grandparents, underneath the fireworks. My grandfather, who had been in the Pacific theater during WWII, would flinch at each explosive sound.
I could feel the shock in my entire body and afterwards there was a ringing in my ears that lasted a day or so.
It was understood that fireworks were a pale reminder of war.
So it is interesting that fireworks are now the domain of illegal buyers who show their patriotism on July 4th. Since I've lived in a southwestern state it is illegal to have fireworks without a permit.
When I was first here in the 90s, the casinos would have fireworks. Nowadays the police go from neighborhood to neighborhood to find and arrest the people will illegal fireworks.
I understand that fireworks are dangerous in a climate that is dry, but isn't it interesting that no permits are given for fourth of July celebrations in the last seven years I have lived in this valley? Isn't it interesting that they can't seem to find the folks who are setting off the fireworks especially in this world of constant survellience? The elites have found out in the past that if you don't let the "others" get rid of pent up emotions that there will be real explosions. The not-so peaceful protests shook us. But I think there was more support because so many of these people had been locked-down. It was a prime example of cabin fever. And there was the implied message that if you protested, you would get fresh air, exercise, and be Covid-free.
It shook the rest of us as we realized that a lot of you wanted to live under the boot. A lot of you believed that you would be on the top of humanity. As somone who has read what happened in Russia after their revolution, I know that a lot of Stalin's companions were murdered by Stalin's orders because of Stalin's paranoia. A paranoia, I might add, that we have seen in other tolitarian dictators such as Mao, Pol Pot, and more recently the North Korean "dear leader."
After WWII, the soldiers and sailors who fought Germany and Japan told each other. "Never Forget."
Sadly we have. Sadly we have let people with a thirst for power creep into our politics. They have subverted our culture and are now teaching our children.
Homeschool your children less they fall into the radical revolutionary path. Teach them facts. Don't let others become the authority figures in your children's lives. It is true that they are the future. Don't give that future to them.