Enjoying the weather
It's been awhle since I've felt good enough to take a long walk. The dog and I sauntered around the neighborhood. She would stop and smell the messages left in the dog pee. I would tug her and get her back on the walk.
I like to walk at a fast pace. Today was much slower. Even with a warm sun, the air was a in the 40s-50s. The birds are our and are already building nests. They like to get two or more families hatched before it gets too hot.
I must have had a calm vibe after my walk because the delivery guy even asked me where the elevators were. They usually leave me alone when I have a dog. If you have read any of my posts, you'd know that she is under thirteen pounds with a huge personality and large bark. When someone tries to come into the apartment that she doesn't know, even if I am holding her, she will make sure I know that the person is a "stranger."
Living with a dog is interesting. So I didn't get cold, I didn't get the chills, and I didn't see more than one or two people. Like the groundhog, I think I'll do a bit more walking and peek my nose out of my apartment.