A long, lonely howl punctuated the darkness. Another howl answered and under the howls were the yips and calls of the coyotes. They roamed this mountain, and they sang to the moon. The fir trees were three feet around and they scraped their branches on the sky.
The trees dropped needles onto the ground, which kept it free from other plants and small trees. The squirrels huddled in the banches away from the coyotes. Their worst enemy this night were the owls.
I sat on the steps of the wooden porch, listening and feeling the life around me. Life lived and died. Little sparks lit the night and then were extinguqished by predators. I couldn’t get away from life and death. At least it was much simpler in the mountains than in the city.
I had spent time in a few of those places where the big predators, humans, killed other humans. I could barely handle those deaths when they seared against my senses. As soon as I could scrape up enough money, I bought this place in the wilderness. Civilization was crueler than fang and claw.
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