A Flicker of Hope - poems written by a Wegener’s Granulomatosis surviver: In January 2003, I spent five weeks in a German hospital after my kidneys failed. It took two weeks for the doctors to diagnose me with a vasculitis disease called Wegener's Granulomatosis. These poems express what I feel about having a rare chronic illness.
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In the Shadow of Death: Reflections on a Chronic Illness. In January 2003 I spent two weeks in a German hospital before I was diagnosed with Wegener's Granulomatosis. This collection contains my journey through a chronic illness. This ebook was written as remembrance for Vasculitis month (May) and to all of those people who have lived with and died from a chronic illness.
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Outside my window: Twenty poems written in 2013 a small apartment complex in Carson City, Nevada. They are an assortment of haikus, tanka, pantoum, and free verse.
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I like to play with the sonnet form. Some are the traditional 14 line, while others are more modern. Enjoy.
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