Green Knight Terraforming Company
The Green Knight Terraforming Company: Most customers are extremely satisfied with the job The Green Knight Terraforming Company does to refurbish their planets. However, when there are customer complaints, then the human Joe called Tiny is the person who is sent to solve the customer's problems.
Joe's backup muscle, Donald, is there for when Joe touches before he looks. Joe, Donald, the lab animals, and pilot drones are a rollicking bunch of troubleshooters. One hundred percent guaranteed to fix any customer problem or if that doesn't work-- to fix the customer.Buy on Amazon.
Late Payment: Joe's troubleshooting style has come to the attention of Ms. Frigg. He is now drawn back into the call center so that his troubleshooting is less aggressive. He is trying to get fired and back out in the field when Ermie, his translating ear worm is almost obliterated on a vacation to his home planet. Joe needs Ms. Frigg and his rollicking band of lab rats to save Ermie's family. Another Green Knight Terraforming Company tale.
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If you should choose this misson: Joe, the only human troubleshooter, for the Green Knight Terraforming Company has come home to save the world. What he doesn't know is that you can't exterminate a sentient species even if it is an insect. Another GKTC tale.
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