As millions of people were marveling at the Aurora and the unusual southern display of the Northern Lights, I had closed all the window shades and turned off my computer and electronic devices. My eyes were so light sensitve that I either wore sunglasses in my dim house or closed my eyes.
This was different than the migraines I have had before. It started on Friday night when I began to see double and didn’t finish until Monday morning. The residual effects of the migraine lasted until late Tuesday. Today I have the lingering effects of a slight headache that will go away after a couple of cups of coffee. Caffeine is my go-to drug for fighting a migraine.
It even affects my appetite. I found out a long time ago that shrimp and cucumbers are two of the best foods to eat when I am in the middle of a migraine. Usually I feel the pounding in the top of my head. I don’t differentiate between migraine types because they all hurt and I do the same actions for each one. I do have to appreciate that this one didn’t start with a prayer to the toilet god.
I thought at one point that maybe it was a reaction to one of my meds, but it coincided so exactly to the solar storm and flares and the worst of it was while others were taking pictures of the purple and green night sky.
I do get migraines when the atmospheric pressure goes up or even down rapidly. The reason I take Vit B-2 every day is that is prevents most of my migraines and has done so for several years. Still every once in a while, a migraine still breaks through. The last one I had was two years ago. I started the B regimen because at the time I was getting two to three migraines a month.
I did see the pictures of the Aurora borealis. They were beautiful.
Migraines have been bad all weekend, and today morphed all the way into a cluster-migraine. I differentiate migraine and cluster migraine, just because I live with a migraine daily, I only have the CM on rare occasions, thankfully.
I'm going to look into the B2, never heard of that one. I use a cayenne based nasal spray to help with the CMs.
It's so easy to forget that we're part of the universe and react to the universe. Maybe what we consider our "intellect" makes us forget that we are children of the universe, the same as trees, grasshoppers, stones, and butterfly wings. I like the idea of living out of the rhythms of the universe, instead of my own narrow, shallow interests. I like the idea, but I need to learn to be better at it.